Why Does My Baby Fart A Lot? Causes, Relief & Remedies

As a parent, it is normal to worry about your baby’s health and want them to feel their best at all times. As your little one is growing, their bodies are adjusting to changes in their bodies and in their diets. You may notice your baby farting a lot, but it is nothing to be alarmed about.

Gas is a sign that their tiny digestive tracts are working, and as long as your little one isn’t showing other signs of discomfort, a baby farting a lot is a normal sign of bodily function and digestion.

What Causes My Baby to Fart A Lot?

Mother’s Diet

If you are a mother and are still breastfeeding your baby, there is likely some foods that you eat that cause your baby to have gas. This doesn’t mean that you should completely change your diet.

However, if you add something new into your diet and notice that your baby is becoming uncomfortable after breastfeeding, then you may want to look into it.

Foods that can potentially cause your baby to have gas are usually dairy products. Items like milk, cheese, yogurt, or any food containing dairy or whey have been known to cause gas in your baby. This is because when your little one is digesting lactose, it tends to make them gassy.

Remember, don’t think that if your baby farts a lot for a couple days that you go drastically changing your diet. If your little one is showing noticeable discomfort after breastfeeding, you can start by trying to take certain foods out of your diet for a week and see if it makes a difference. Then, re-introduce them and see if your baby experiences increased gassiness.

Air Bubbles

When breastfeeding and bottle feeding, some air tends to get into your baby’s stomach, which can lead to your baby farting a lot. Usually, a bottle-fed baby is more likely to swallow air bubbles.

This can happen because the nipple might be too small for their mouth, or because air got trapped in the bottle. Air gets trapped in bottles when shaking it to mix the formula, or when the nipple is too small for their mouth.

Additionally, there are bottles made especially for reducing air bubbles, so opt for those ones instead if your baby farts a lot.


When babies cry, they tend to swallow more air. Although you can’t always keep your baby from crying, it is important to know that this can be a cause if you notice that your baby farts a lot. Don’t be alarmed if your baby is gassy after a long bout of crying.

Sucking a Pacifier

Like crying, sucking a pacifier can also lead to increased air in the stomach that causes gas.

The balance of Bacteria in the Stomach

Probiotics are naturally present in the body to help digest food. When babies are born, they have not developed these bacterias (called bacteria floras) that keep on top of bad bacteria and help the body absorb nutrients. It takes them a couple of months to develop these probiotics to digest formula and breast milk.

As the babies are developing this bacteria in their stomachs, it may cause a buildup in their intestines and produces gas, which is what causes the baby to fart a lot. You should be alarmed and seek help from the pediatrician if these symptoms are also occurring:

● Fever, rectal temperature over 100.4 F
● Vomiting
● Your baby is inconsolable
● Blood present in their poop

These symptoms combined with farting could be a sign of serious digestive issues.

Should I Be Worried If My Baby Farts A Lot But Doesn’t Poop?

If you have noticed that your baby hasn’t pooped in a few days, you may be concerned that they are constipated. However, depending on if your baby is breastfed or formula fed, there are different reasons this could be happening.

Breastfed Babies

If your baby is breastfed, then it is less likely that they are constipated. Rather, they are possibly entering into a growth period where their bodies are absorbing all of the nutrients that it takes in.

Do not be alarmed if your baby is acting normally otherwise, as the poop will come when their little body is ready. The only time you should be concerned is if your baby is not eating or not urinating normally along with the absence of poop.

Formula-Fed Babies

When babies are formula-fed, they are more likely to become constipated. This is because formula is more difficult for your baby to digest than breast milk. They should have normal bowel movements no matter what their age, so they could be constipated if they are going a few days without pooping.

So, don’t be alarmed if your baby is constipated or has gas, as there are many ways you can help your little one gain some relief, as well as prevent gas from happening in the first place.

Relief and Remedies for Flatulence in Babies 

There are a few ways to prevent and treat your baby farting a lot. Taking these steps can help your baby be free from gas and stomach pain.

Pick the Right Bottle

There are bottles that are specially made to reduce the gas-causing air from getting into your baby’s stomach. Choose the ones that provide a steady flow of milk or formula for them. Choose a bottle that drips at a rate of one drop per second.

Consider the Bottle Feeding Position

Ensure that you are always feeding your baby in a comfortable position for the milk to flow steadily. Make sure to not let your baby suck on an empty bottle, as this will create excessive air in their stomachs.

Do Not Shake the Bottle

If you feed your baby formula, then you most likely shake the bottle to mix the powder with the water. However, this can cause a lot of extra air and bubbles to get into the bottle. The extra air intake during feeding time can leave your baby very windy.

Help Ease Their Gassy Stomach

If you find your baby farting a lot and fussy, they are most likely having gas. You can help them pass gas by holding their knees against their chest. This allows for the squat position to alleviate their stomach and allow for the steadier flow of gas out of their body.

Burp Them

To alleviate their gassy stomach, always remember to burp them after they are breast or bottle fed. If they don’t burp right when they are finished, try again a couple minutes later. In fact, many of the methods of relieving wind in babies are similar to those employed to help relieve grunting baby syndrome.

A Warm Bath

Giving your baby a warm bath usually relieves their gas by relaxing their bodies. Try this next time your baby experiences flatulence.

Final Thoughts

Remember to not be too alarmed if your baby is gassy. In most cases, it is just their tiny body learning to digest their food, or simply that they are growing.

Simply do your best to make sure they are comfortable, and always consult the pediatrician if you feel that something else is wrong. A parent’s instinct is usually the right one!

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