For those stay at home moms, there’s never been a better time to earn money working from home!
Best of all, there are several jobs that you can do from home without having prior experience.
So, if you’re looking for a position to fit in with your life as a mom, making REAL money, here’s our list of the top nine jobs we highly recommend.
Ready to start your money making journey? Let’s start mamma….
Best Jobs for Stay at Home Moms With No Experience
1. Blogging
Like the majority of moms, you may already have your own blog. But have you ever thought about writing blog posts for other people – more importantly, getting paid to do so?
If you’re proficient in blog speak and understand what gets people clicking further on a post, you could be making money for this skill.
You could even make money from your own blog, read our full guide on making money with a blog for beginners to find out how you could potentially make thousands of dollars a month running your own blog.
Most people have no idea of the vast number of blogs that aren’t actually written by the owner themselves! Therefore, this is a market niche whereby if you can match the subject matter and write with conviction, you could be supplying regular content to blogs requesting articles – while getting paid for your words.
Best of all, the mom and parenting blog niche are huge. Therefore, you can put your skills to work without even having to put any research into your posts!
The best way to find such blogs is to search online and head for their write for us section. From gardening to sleep training, to travel and beauty tips, look at the About sections of blogs and those accepting contributions. Consider the types of blogs they have already on their site and look to tailor your writing to suit. Most importantly, find out what their pay rate is before submitting.
2. Social Media
If blogging isn’t your thing, but you do love spending a lot of time on social media, whey not put this to good use and make money from such platforms?
While social media is fast becoming an essential tool of businesses, not all companies have the time or staff to dedicate to their online profiles.
However, this means an opening whereby you can propose a cost-effective means of managing their social profiles, thus getting them noticed in the meantime.
If you can find those sites, platforms, and businesses with poor social media accounts and offer a unique solution, you could be making money from something you’d probably never given much thought to before.
Alternatively, if this really does interest you as a viable way of making money, you could also advertise this service.
With many free courses available to bring you up to speed with this fast-moving industry, in all honesty, social media management is best done by those who are already active on social media! Therefore, the possibilities here are huge.
3. Child Care
Perhaps one of the most obvious of job choices for most moms, for many adding another child to their mix when they already stay home, is simply child’s play!
Because most child care facilities charge extortionate amounts, you could make a regular profit here. Why not do a rota of one day a week, offering a full day of child care to those who would otherwise pay for it, but at a reduced rate?
Could you provide weekly date night sessions whereby local moms can drop their kids off with you for a small cost whereby they then head out on their date? Does your neighborhood require a school-run leader?
Maybe you could find a niche whereby working parents are struggling childcare wise and offer a viable, safe solution – albeit a paid one.
Obviously, the more children you can look after and the more flexible you can be here, the more opportunity you have to make money from it.
4. Pet Sitting
If the idea of adding more children to your mix doesn’t appeal, then perhaps offering solutions in the way of pet care would be more suitable!
With more of us working longer hours and struggling to get those all-important daily walks in, dog walkers have never been in such high demand.
Could you combine a leisurely walk with the kids alongside a dog walk for the local canines?
Maybe you’re an early riser and appreciate the alone time before the rest of the family stirs? If so, this could be the ideal opportunity to exercise several dogs as you do so.
If dog walking isn’t quite your thing, there are many other pet services in high demand.
Maybe you could offer to play host to small pets as people take their vacations? Do you know of families in need of someone to pop round and feed the cat or let the dog out regularly during the day while their owner is at work?
With so many homes owning at least one type of family pet, the possibilities of making money in this area is certainly worth looking into further.
5. Transcribing
For many moms, especially those who’ve worked in offices before having kids, transcribing is a natural procession. Better still, it’s a role that can be done from the comfort of a home desk or even the kitchen table.
With a basic PC, a word processor such as Word and a headset, you can start work on basic transcribing pieces.
Yet, if this is an appealing financial avenue for you, you could look toward making a small outlay on a transcription service alongside a foot pedal and offer a wider service to clients.
Better still, if you have a good working knowledge of certain areas, such as medicine, law, or real estate, for example, you can look to expand your clientele even further.
Though this particular job may need a little more searching effort than others mentioned, once you do find an avenue, transcribing can become a regular earner. It’s also a fantastic way of keeping your skills and experience level up – making it perfect for those looking to the office environment again when the kids eventually head off to school.
In reality, the basics of transcribing involve listening to an audio file and then typing up exactly what you’ve heard.
So, if you’ve got good listening skills and find you can type well, you could look to offering this skill to either local companies or find plentiful opportunities online.
6. Proofreading
If transcribing isn’t your thing or you’d prefer a slower-paced task when earning money from home, proofreading could be your potential earner.
With so many websites, and indeed bloggers, churning out articles throughout one working day, there will always be grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors picked up by eagle-eyed readers!
Therefore, if you find yourself adept at spotting such mistakes and can tidy up such content to make it more readable, you could just make some money from this ability.
Lots of companies, whether local or online, regularly search for proofreaders, especially in this online driven society. Because of this, it shouldn’t be hard to pick up such work.
You could also if you prefer to advertise your services or even set yourself up as a proofreader and demand your own hourly rate.
7. Teaching
Whether you teach from your own home premises in person or solely online, undeniably teaching and tuition is always a role in high demand.
The key is to find the gap in the market, if you’re teaching locally, or looking to spot potential opportunities for tutoring online.
With the immense popularity of platforms such as Skillshare and Udemy, for example, you could be sharing your skills worldwide.
The best thing of all about teaching is that every one of us has a unique skill, knowledge, or subject. Therefore, you can decide whether to go for the basics such as English, literacy, and maths or indeed offer your individual specialist subject instead.
If you’re interested in teaching online via a subscriber platform, you can plan your entire course into installments, upload it, and then work at simply promoting it to get learners signing up to it.
Though this may take a while to get an entire course prepared and videoed, once it’s out there, all that’s left to do is watch people find their way to your lessons on the platform. You could also raise attention to your presence online the site, via your own social media accounts – with each sign up equaling payment to you!
But, if you prefer the more traditional learning methods, you could advertise your tutoring services in real-time, as well as online, and provide hourly sessions from the comforts of your own dining table.
This could mean accessing local schools, colleges, or even adult education advisors. Ask around the wider community, promote your services in shops and libraries, and even start up your own social media accounts to promote your services.
Then, with payment made hourly ahead of each session, you can choose both the hours and days to suit you.
8. Travel Planning
A more recent addition to the title of jobs you can perform from home, travel planning is increasing in popularity. This is especially so with moms.
A role without prior experience necessary, though it does require a high-interest level in the subject, more moms are using their skills and knowledge as parents of little ones to offer their services in the travel planning sector.
Now, this one may also involve a bit of traveling and excursions, but if this is something that you do with your kids already, or want to get into, then a travel planner or vacation planner could be the perfect role for you.
Companies looking to make their activities, destination, trips, or excursions more kid-friendly rely on real first-hand experience. This is where moms with kids come into play.
This job allows you to earn your money through service fees and commissions. Therefore, if you know firsthand what makes the perfect child-friendly experience, you’re in the best situation to be able to sell it better.
Look to travel companies, tour operators, hotels, and airlines here.
9. Amazon FBA
Finally, if working for one of the industry giants sounds appealing, Amazon is a fantastic means of earning money from home as a mom.
A selling machine that almost all of us will have had experience with, at some time or another, the FBA is a way for those without prior experience to make money from the comfort of the online world.
FBA, or Fulfilled-by-Amazon, allows you to sell your products on Amazon, but with the littlest effort possible.
This means you don’t have to provide storage space; you don’t need to deal with customer purchase requests, and you certainly don’t have to deliver those products. Amazon does this all for you!
All that you have to do to work on the FBA program is to select the product you want to sell, keep an eye on your inventory for stock levels, and simply promote your product.
With a choice of several selling methods available to you on the program, many successful sellers opt to sell as a Private Label.
Thus, with just a few hours dedicated to the program each week, the money you make could result in a tidy little income each month. And, all of it can be done from the comfort of your own home.
Better still, if you do have your own website or blog, you could also consider joining Amazon’s Wealthy Affiliate training program. An interesting way to make money online, becoming an affiliate, is a great place to begin with Amazon. It can also often pave the way for some great successes long-term.
The Vast Potential of Earning Money as a Stay at Home Mom
Hopefully, these nine practical suggestions have given you some ideas and inspiration to get you started.
With a variety of choices, there’s no denying that being able to work from home while still being able to devote quality time as a mom is an option most of us dream about.
Yet, with so many roles such as these mentioned perfect for stay at home moms, no longer does the idea of earning an income from home have to be a pipedream.
With a hefty dose of determination, energy, and enthusiasm, you too could soon be making your own money while continuing to do that most important job of all; being a stay at home mom!