Cervical Mucus During Pregnancy is perfectly normal and chances are, you’ll have heard the term cervical mucus mentioned while planning your pregnancy. Many women will look to the condition of this vaginal discharge as a sign of their most fertile time when actively trying to conceive.
However, though there’s many helpful charts and articles that discuss the best types of cervical mucus when attempting to get pregnant, there isn’t usually much information about the presence of such mucus once you do become pregnant.
For some women, the discovery of such discharge can often be unsettling if they weren’t expecting to see it during their pregnancy. Fortunately, cervical mucus during pregnancy is normal and is prone to change throughout each trimester.
Why Do Women Experience Cervical Mucus While Pregnant?
The main reason why many women may see an increase in cervical fluid during pregnancy is merely due to the changes in the cervix once pregnancy is established.
Such discharge is seen as the most natural way in which the body attempts to keep the vaginal area clean, acting as a barrier to potential bacteria. Thereby, when a woman enters the stages of pregnancy, the amount of cervical mucus is increased as the body works harder to guard the uterus.
An increase of cervical mucus will eventually lead to what is known as a mucus plug, meaning the fetus is being protected against infections. Ultimately, cervical mucus is a sign of the body doing its job!
Are Cervical Mucus Changes During Pregnancy Normal?
All women want to be assured that their vaginal discharge is normal and nowhere is this more evident than during pregnancy.
Most pregnant women find that this mucus tends to take on a different appearance during each trimester:
Weeks 1 to 12 of The First Trimester
In the early stages of pregnancy, cervical mucus should be clear, but it can look more substantial, usually thicker and sticker in its consistency. For many, this subtle change is quite often one of the first indications of pregnancy!
At this trimester, the vaginal area will be receiving an increased blood supply alongside additional levels of estrogen, and this is what increases the thickness of discharge during this time.
This is the time to keep a close eye on the color of the mucus alongside being aware of any odor, as the cervix is more prone to infection at this very early stage.
Weeks 13 to 28 The Second Trimester
Many women may note a continuation of vaginal mucus during pregnancy once the second trimester gets underway, which is, once again, completely normal.
Usually, there’s little variation of the color at this stage, but it may appear slighter thicker than before; an almost creamy texture.
You could find it emitting a very slight odor, but if the mucus remains the same color, by now you will have a good idea of what is normal for your own body.
At this stage of your pregnancy, look out for any signs of blood flow within the mucus. If you do find some blood mixed in with your discharge, don’t hesitate to get it checked out by your midwife or doctor.
Week 29 to 40 The Third Trimester
A substantial proportion of pregnant women will continue to see cervical mucus during pregnancy, well into the later stages of their third trimester. This is a typical sign, however, at this final stage, it will begin to change in its appearance.
Usually what’s more noticeable during the third trimester is how different cervical mucus is when compared to the first trimester!
This is particularity noticeable in those finals weeks whereby the mucus plug begins to move away from the uterus. With it, some of the old blood, which has formed around the uterus, disperses. This discharge results in what is referred to as a bloody show.
This can be a possible indication that the pregnancy is heading towards its final weeks or perhaps even days!
At this stage, a few women will notice or experience some spotting or perhaps even blood clots forming. Cervical mucus at this stage will now start thinning and look watery as a result.
Though it can be hard to determine what is normal and what may need double checking at this stage, any concerns at all should be immediately discussed with your midwife or doctor
The Final Days/Hours: Finally, for those women lucky enough to see their waters break naturally when your baby is ready to make his or her appearance, the final watery discharge you will most likely witness will be that of amniotic fluid.
Very often mistaken for urine, this is the penultimate preparation your body makes before you meet your new-born baby!
When Should I be Concerned About My Cervical Mucus?
Getting to know what is normal regarding your cervical mucus during your pregnancy prevents any potential problems arising.
Though a certain level of mucus is indeed reasonable for pregnant women, there are some changes to look out for which may require further investigation, including:
- An entirely different change in the color of your mucus, mainly if that color is green or yellow.
- An unpleasant smell.
- Any itching that flares up with the secretion of the mucus.
- Discomfort or irritation when urinating.
Such changes can be early indications of an infection, which are so easy to pick up during pregnancy. However, by being aware of what is normal and what isn’t regarding your cervical mucus, you will be able to detect any possible infections and treat them at the very start.
Overall, the appearance of increased cervical mucus during pregnancy should be nothing to worry about, instead of a sign that things are progressing as well as they should be.
A perfectly healthy concept, this is nature’s way of protecting your baby throughout those most precious and wonderful weeks of pregnancy.
However, if at any time you feel concerned about such changes, a quick word with your midwife or doctor should instantly dispel any concerns you may have, allowing you to get on with enjoying this most exciting time of your life.